miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008
I´m still alive!
So I know it´s been a few months and it is all my fault and I´m sure some of you were wondering if I got lost, but nope, just lazy. So one major festival I have to relate is the one calle dCarnival. It is in the beginning of February. The problem with this is that the natives are so zealous about the activities they start in January. THey throw water baloons. It doesn´t matter old, young, dressed up or not, they will nail you. I got hit 9 times! Yes, I counted. One time after church in the back of the neck. It hurt a lot the next day. the problem is they throw them from moving vechicles so it adds a bit of velocity. Cowards. I had a few choice words when I got nailed, but what can you do. So the days of carnival, if you are smart you hide in your house. I went to play despite the freazingness. The first day Rolando got me soaked head to toe, I got him back plenty, but in less time. Thanks to my skills learned growing up with vengeful brothers always trying to catch me for something my evasive maneuvers worked quite well. Roli only caught me cause I came back towards the house. One of the days I went to Gualeceo(a town) where they throw you in the river and then throw flower on you so you have to go back in the river to wash off. Some places they throw paint or rocks, I like the place they throw flowers. Anyway I planned ahead and brought a change of clothes and was going to change to my swimsuit there. Bad mistake, I was in the back of a truck and everyone started throwing water baloons at each other before we got there, therefore, soaked freezing Jessica. Oh well.
End of February I did two things, I went to Inca Perca ancient inca ruins, and I joined a gym. Still going by the way. Some of the pics below are of those ruins. I went with my two buddies Myra and Tatiana. we had fun. We´re kinda the 3 musketeers we go to the gym and do lots of stuff together. That was fun. I faked being a college student and so I kinda look latin I got in for a buck instead of the 6 dollar gringo price!
In January I started classes at the university again and it´s more fun now that I know what I´m doing. I also moved out of the house and got my own apartment! It´s cool, although I had to learn how to adjust the propane tanks for hot water. You learn something new every day. I also took another trip to a place called chobshi. It is ruins of the people who were here before the incas called the canaris. The river pics are from there. It was great but lots of climbing. As usual in all the pictures I am being a dork and had a lot of fun at the same time.
Latest news is that roli made me dinner and there is a picture of how he arranged it so fancily. cool, I know, don´t worry he isn´t coming home with me although I wish he could meet everyone. Except for that whole not speaking english part. Anyway that´s about it for now. General conference was fun, I chatted with the gringo missionaries and made chocolate cookies which turned out really hard, I blame the altitude. i did make my first apple pie though, that was a success. I didn´t get seconds. anyway I love you all and can´t wait to visit and talk to all of you again in July when I come back!
End of February I did two things, I went to Inca Perca ancient inca ruins, and I joined a gym. Still going by the way. Some of the pics below are of those ruins. I went with my two buddies Myra and Tatiana. we had fun. We´re kinda the 3 musketeers we go to the gym and do lots of stuff together. That was fun. I faked being a college student and so I kinda look latin I got in for a buck instead of the 6 dollar gringo price!
In January I started classes at the university again and it´s more fun now that I know what I´m doing. I also moved out of the house and got my own apartment! It´s cool, although I had to learn how to adjust the propane tanks for hot water. You learn something new every day. I also took another trip to a place called chobshi. It is ruins of the people who were here before the incas called the canaris. The river pics are from there. It was great but lots of climbing. As usual in all the pictures I am being a dork and had a lot of fun at the same time.
Latest news is that roli made me dinner and there is a picture of how he arranged it so fancily. cool, I know, don´t worry he isn´t coming home with me although I wish he could meet everyone. Except for that whole not speaking english part. Anyway that´s about it for now. General conference was fun, I chatted with the gringo missionaries and made chocolate cookies which turned out really hard, I blame the altitude. i did make my first apple pie though, that was a success. I didn´t get seconds. anyway I love you all and can´t wait to visit and talk to all of you again in July when I come back!
Left:my kitchen
Left:food he made for dinner Middle: LLamas!llama face!
Left: cool trees in the canyon. Middle: On top of the wall
Right: Canyon
Roli cooking and to the right me posing! cute!

Top left: cool mud wall
Roli cooking and to the right me posing! cute!
In the canyon to the left
Below being sacrificed by Tati
Right bottom: I am indiana jones!
Below: Face of the Inca, Can you see it? Middle: hanging on for dear life.
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