miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007


EXCITEMENT! So I love the TV show friends, and thanks to the copyright thieves of Ecuador I am able to purchase the whole series if I want to. Well yesterday, strolling down the cobblestone streets of historic Cuenca, with my boyfriend, I bought one season of Friends for 5 bucks! Sweet. So worth it cause I was cracking up by myself in my room. I´m sure the family thought I was nuts, but most people do. Anyway, I was excited about my exploits, I also acquired 2 new sets of earings that are very native like. I´m a fan. It´s been nice weather lately, no rain for 2 whole days crazy I tell you! I get to play basketball for a couple hours tomorrow night, Christmas and New Year´s are coming, "can life get better? I submit that it cannot!" (Brian Regan, if you haven´t heard him get on it!)

3 comentarios:

Corals dijo...

I miss you Jess!! I'm so jealous you bought Friends so cheap! :) I'm getting soo excited for the Christmas season too! :)

Amelia dijo...

Yea for blogging, boyfriends, and halloween candy! I love that picture of you with the candy. And congrats on the month anniversary. So cute! I am happy for you. So are you teaching over there I take it? Such a responisble job! And I am sure you are bilingual by now. You know, I love reading that story about picking up your package because i can totally hear you saying all of that to me. Telling me the story before bed. What fun days those were! I miss you! Oh yeah, the recipe. I will get that too you on facebook ASAP! Enjoy!
p.S. es su novio LDS?

Jana Linn dijo...

it makes me so happy that you quoted brian reagan...i miss hearing all your random quotes from movies and stuff...but most of all i miss you! i'm glad you have a blog i can read. and i'm glad you're enjoying your adventures.