miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


Well it has snowed twice in the past few weeks, which gets me excited for winter, but I've forgotten about the cold that comes with it.  Especially at night when your body heat just isn't enough to warm up the bed.  I have made several strides to get to know people in my new ward by going to service activities and ward parties.  One we went on a trick or treat food drive (people were a little confused because as we were all dressed up, and we came early) and people responded very generously.  The next thing I did I went to my ward Halloween party as the Johnny Depp mad hatter! So much fun, but hard to make friends when you don't even look like yourself.  I brought Kristina with me and we ended up being invited to go country dancing that same night! Love it! So the social part is coming slowly, but surely.  I did go to a ward Family Home Evening where Sarah Larsen performed songs from her CD Find a Grove.  I highly recommend listening to her music.  It made me think about how much I'm loved by my Savior and that He does know who I am.  I am not alone in this world and never will be.  I felt so calm and happy about the testimony I have of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Living with Josh and Jackie right now we are doing a thankful tree and writing down things we are thankful for during this season of gratitude.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to live in a home with family I love.  I'm thankful for the many years of school I have attended that have helped me become a more rounded person and also has taught me to never stop learning.  (I recently started French on a free library site, can't get enough of languages!) There are so many things to be thankful for each and every day, I will enjoy my continued listing of them on the tree we've put up in the living room :)

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


Okay it's here! I'm finally leaving! The date is set, the clothes are out(well at least more organized than usual) and I'm filling up boxes baby! Who knows what is gonna happen in the next few little weeks. I am a little disapointed to leave because I just discovered yesterday that my favorite author in the world, Tamora Pierce, will be in Portland October 18th, and I alas, will not be. So frustrating, maybe one of my siblings will go and have her sign a book for me? That would be exciting! But still so disapointing!

Despite that, I'm excited to go. I haven't packed to move in like 2 years! So we shall see what I forget and what I should have left behind. I want to bring all my books, but we'll probably only take about 6 or 7, and then a couple suitcases of clothes for now. I am taking the mini cooper of my mom's though! Only for a little while, but I will be stylish for a little while anyway. My main focus is to get a job there, and goodness I hate that part. Can't wait to go see old friends though and make some new ones, best part of all!

I did make applesauce with mom and dad yesterday. It contained red hots, which gave it a pinkish hue and a little extra festive flavor. I got to peal the apples with a fun contraption that you turn, and it cored them at the same time in less than 10 seconds! SO much fun. But the rest of my life will be packing for the next few days! Wish me luck!

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

The randomness of my life.

I just like this picture me and Kristina took in Mexico.

Today I made some delicious brownies (the ingredients of which include Oreos!). I found them online and they are super scrumptious, but I have decided they still do not surpass my obsession with cake. I went to a wedding reception this weekend and we were there for 3 hours before they served the cake, but I had to leave before then! SO DISAPPOINTING! I have decided that when I am married, at the reception, the first order of business will be to cut the cake!

Another crazy thing today, is that I received an email, from a possible long lost relative! She introduced herself as somebody doing work on the same last name as me and saw my name for contact info. I emailed her back introducing myself, and we shall see if we're related or not, but it's kind of exciting to see something like that happen. It's just like the movies. My life, it turns out, sometimes is just like the movies.

I was also going through some of mom's pictures on her phone and found some that needed to be shared from the Scandia 10k in August with my brothers. It was so much fun with all those people there!

1. After the race, we're still cool!
2. Me and the 4 bros before the race :)

Me, Josh, Jackie, Candice, Matt, Jackson, Seth, and Jordan! What a bunch of troopers!
3. All four siblings before running (I know they're in a random order)
4. This is one of the only pictures of me running a race where it looks like I'm running not speed walking.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


I have done some pretty amazing things in my life and met some pretty amazing people. My question is... What do you do when you've finished most your goals you had in life? I mean that little check list of things a person is supposed to do is finished? I finished college twice now, and have traveled. I go to church, don't do drugs or anything illegal, I exercise and am active in parts of my life to be considered a "well rounded" person. I' m looking for a job but in this economic climate it is extremely difficult. I would like to date someone, but that is out of my control...
So I've come to the conclusion that the next steps in my life are on me. I can't control when boys want to date, me and I can barely control the job situation (I just keep putting the applications in). I keep asking the simple question "What am I supposed to do now?" I keep getting the stupid, generic answer "whatever you want." SO ANNOYING! and yeah...I don't believe that. If I could do whatever I wanted I would have a teaching job and would be dating the most amazing guy ever who spoke many different languages, or at least understood my need to learn them and the deep rooted desire to see the world, but that isn't what has unraveled here. I would also be able to date characters from books :)

Facts: I will be moving soon
I have family support for what I do(yeah!)
I don't have a car
I don't have a boyfriend
I don't want to get married
I have limited resources
I don't have a job where I will be moving
I have 3 or 4 places I could move in with friends or family
I speak Spanish and English
I like nutella
I have an amazing horse
I'm a messy person...

My future is uncertain
Usually after writing down my dilemmas I feel better or something becomes clear to me, but nothing yet. Maybe I'll keep adding to my list of facts. That's always nice to see what is true in your life. Overall, I hate that everyone else has something figured out...stupid organized people. Fact: I will figure something out!

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Helvetia Half Marathon!

This last weekend, June 12th to be exact, I ran my first half marathon! The official chip time was 2:40:22. So crazy. I really wanted to do it in less then 2 and 1/2 hours but, I hit a wall around mile 9 or 10 and had to intermittently walk and run. The last mile I ran the whole way, but it was hard. It was one of the most mentally engaging activities I've ever done.

It was a crazy day because I started off the night before on a bad note. I didn't get off work in Florence until 10 and I had to rush home and get my stuff and make the 3 hour drive to Portland. Thankfully Isaiah let me go before him so I could take off that early. So after I spend my time chatting on the phone to pass my time on the way to Portland, I finally pull into the crazy apartment complex my brother Jackson lives in. Talk about a maze of cars and parking spaces. It worked out cause he talked me through it, right to his apartment door where the two big labs greeted me with uncontrolled enthusiasm, and a very tired mom.

I didn't sleep much throughout the night because I kept dreaming I was going to sleep through the whole thing! Agh, that would have been awful. Luckily Jackson and Janale helped me continue the cycle of no sleep by waking me up around 4:30 am when they got home! Thanks guys! haha. That was a definite sign Jackson would not be running with me for the 10K the following morning. I woke up again wide awake at 5:30 am but just kinda layed on the lovely comfy couch for another 45 minutes when my phone finally went off. When I did get up I had to remind myslef I hadn't run it yet, despite my very realistic dreams that I had.

I was basically ready, but had to do my hair and brush my teeth. I bobby pinned it back so nothing was coming out. Stole an overly ripe banana from the kitchen, hoping it would help me from getting cramps while I ran the 13 miles! agh, I kept trying to prevent myself from freaking out over the length, but the thought kept popping in my head. I woke up mom and asked her if she knew how to get there cause I sure didn't.

After she told me the five minute trip directions she asked me if I wanted her to drive me since I would be by myself til the end of the race. My five year old self wanted to say "YES! Of course you need to come and watch me leave and then wait 2 and 1/2 hours for me!" but I held back and said the responsible adult "no, I'm good." Then I walked to my car and made the drive. I left at 6:15 and little did I know the hour and half head start was not enough. All the other 4,000 contestants wanted to get off at my exit and park as well. So it took me an hour to get there, park, and a lot of freaking out. I had to jog to registration and got my stuff put away, fighting the masses of people going the opposite direction! ugh, get out of the way dumb people! Anyway, had my ipod, and # all attached, I had about 10-12 minutes to mentally prepare for the road trip ahead.

I finally was going with the masses of people headed toward the starting line. Lots of people were talking and jostling each other. I just headed for the middle of the pack and listened to one song over and over. I think it was Martina McBride, but it got me pumped up. Then the mass of people started moving. "Here we go, I thought" Then I decided to take each mile as one less I had to do. That first mile, I was so excited because I no longer had to run 13! I only had 12. And that's how it worked the rest of the time. There was a helicopter overhead taking pictures of this giant moving beast of people. I did not wave, cause I was in a zone man! We headed over an overpass and to the left all the 10K runners turned left, while the more crazy runners kept going. It was beautiful field and countryside just like where I grew up in Junction City, so it felt like home turf. Then came mile 4, oh the hills begin.

The first few hills were not that bad and I was passing people. There were even people on the sides of the road cheering friends and family on, I just imagined the signs said my name and I got encouragement from that. Two very big hills were my Mount Everest. I had decided I didn't want to walk any hills. I did it too! They were extremely hard and I may have been moving at a snail's pace, but I was still running! I had some ZZ Top playing for one of them, which made me think of Dad and him listening to it on his motorcycle. I also was imagining him there cheering me on, telling me to keep going, and that was great.

I didn't drink water at the first couple stations, but after those hills, oh boy I looked forward to them. I drank the electrolytes mostly. So after this really big hill I can see runners going down this road to the left. Yeah! the turn around! Little did I know that I had to turn right, go downhill a mile and come back up before I could follow those runners to the left! Ugh! I was soooo frustrated and angry I wanted to yell and scream. I hated watching all those runners coming back the direction I was heading. I really wanted to ask if the turn around to come back was coming up soon about every 10 seconds, but I gritted my teeth and kept my mouth shut. After hitting the turn around my mood brightened and I enjoyed the trees that covered me from the sun and the pretty forest surrounding, the uphill wasn't even that bad. (I hate doubling back)

Now I was on my way back (mile 8) and I could see glimpses of the stadium and the freeway we had crossed at the beginning. Oh no, my body seems to be feeling symptoms of fatigue. I had been happy about my pace and consistency, but yeah right after one of the water stations, I had to walk. (mile 9.5 or 10) I wasn't out of breath but my legs had lost the will to keep going. No music or thought process could keep me going. I tried all my songs, but there was no use. Now every time I saw a new aide station I made myself pick up the pace, but right after I would walk again.

So hard to walk, especially with people passing me. It was comforting to know there were lots of people there and I wouldn't be last despite my walking. It was also nice to think of the people waiting at the finish line. Nana and Grandpa and Mom and Jackson and Janale and Eliot.

Thoughts like these would keep me going. We hit a gravel road, which was a nice change of pace, and I made sure I was jogging towards the end of mile 11 cause I saw the cameras. Who wants a walking picture? Mile 12 I hit the pavement and ran the rest of the way. So hard, but I pushed past my negative thoughts about walking. I mentally hated and loathed the runners who were walking back and had already finished. They had their medals and free hamburgers! Some had words of encouragement, but most not, so that justified my hating them.

I was extremely hungry this last mile and that was part of my motivation, I could eat if I hurried up and finished! Coming into view of the stadium I saw Nana and Grandpa standing outside looking for me. I waved my hand to let them know I was coming. Good thing they are taller than most :) I tried to give them a smile and attempted a hi five to grandpa, but it didn't work out so well. I continued on through to the stadium through the serpentine finish line crowded with people, where I fived some kids and picked up to a fast run to finish strong. I knew mom would be at the end with the camera and I saw her there as I sprinted by . Yeah for photo finishes! "oh done, I can keep walking or just stop if I want" I smiled to myself.

Grabbed some water from the table overflowing with dixie cups, but no oranges to suck on! Sad. The massive amounts of people hindered fast movement, but made may over to mom, who lamented no picture of me,(later found out she did get one ) and we headed over to Nana and Grandpa and to get my stuff. Jackson showed up a few minutes later to congratulate me. My legs and arms weren't sweaty but salty! Like I'd been in the ocean. I was really glad I'd rolled up my sleeves to avoid the farmer's tan. I got a little burnt, but it was worth it.

So the rest of the day was eating at Sonics (hamburger, fries and chocolate banana milk shake!) and being excited it was all over, but I could gloat over my 13.1 mile triumph the rest of my life! That's right! My movements were somewhat slower, but soooo worth it! I'm glad I trained all that time and that Jackie and Josh inspired me to do it! Thanks Nana, Grandpa, Jackson, and MOM for coming and watching me sweat to the finish! Love you guys!

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

I've been watching some really good movies; on tv, renting, and movie theatre going. First of all is Clash of the Titans, such good action and includes the main character from Avatar. Following that would be Sherlock Holmes, the music AND the acting was awesome. Love Robert Downey Jr. Same reason I'm excited to see Iron Man 2. Jude law rocks it man! Him and Rachel McAdams. I do love the bad guy as well. He does a good job.

Prince of Persia: basically just excited to see it.

Phat Girlz: saw it on tv and it just made my heart happy :)

My Life in Ruins: awesome, might be better than big fat greek wedding. Definitely think the guy is hunkier.

I do want to see Invictus still and Blind Side, guess I get side tracked.

Anyway, good movies good times, we shall see what comes next.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

The Lightning Thief

I've recently been reading Percy Jackson's The Lightning Thief series and have made some realizations. In the third book the characters run into the hunters which are basically immortal girls that work for Artemis, the goddess of hunting and who never got involved with a guy. The whole book you encounter different jabs and comments directed toward men and how they will always fail you. In the end they made one exception for Percy because he had proven himself somewhat different.

I have to say that I somewhat agree with the hunters. I do have to say girls can be the same way and let guys down as well, but I think it would be kinda great to just be an immortal group of girls going on quests and adventures. Never involving yourself with men in any way and being content.

Either way it was a good book and interesting questions to consider even though I'll never have to answer them.

viernes, 19 de marzo de 2010


So today, as I was teaching, I finally came to an understanding why Lions reject their teenage/younger lions from the Pride and they have to find their own way in the world. I no longer feel sorry for them or misunderstand the parents. I fully support them and that group decision to kick them out. You want to know the reason why and how I came to that conclusion? Well... because teenage anything are so annoying and can't really comprehend what real reality is. They think everything should be gifted to them(hunting and meat done and brought to them). They need to be kicked out to realize how lucky they are and prove their worthiness, and this only happens as they get older and realize how lucky they were. Only when they are fully mature and accomplish something, and only then do females deign to even consider looking at them or considering them as possible parts of the pride.

Can you see how this is comparative to teenage boys(actually girls too)? I think they need to have a few hard knocks of real life and then they can actually appreciate what they have. Too bad I can't be the one to deliver a few of them. Just thought I would share my ever evolving wisdom that is formed from teaching school and adolescents.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Cooking with Shaely

Shaely and I were making chocolate chip cookies :) Fun times :)

Pride and Prejudice enthusiasts

I just watched the best movie I've seen in awhile! It's called Lost in Austen. This girl somehow gets trapped in the book and she kinda messes it up. But it's great because she does all the things the faithful fans have always wanted to do, either in the book or in the movie. For example the part where Colin Firth goes swimming in the pond in the 8 hour version...yeah she has Darcy hop in the pond, without any other reason but that she asked. SOOO funny! I really liked it and if you like Pride and Prejudice you might enjoy it as well.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

Vintage Dress

I did my hair all vintage style for church today!

Family History

Grandma Jackie

So today I was really getting into my family history because I had found some of the stuff in boxes that hasn’t been looked at for years. First of all props to Mom for having SO MUCH information! Seriously she is amazing in what she was able to track down. Not just the names and dates of people, but she has pictures, marriage certificates, and so many other things that make these people so real. So far it’s gone back to the 1600’s! That is so awesome. I think my hair style was inspired too because it was in a short 20’s style bob. I was going for 40’s but it didn’t work out.

While perusing some of the family articles I came upon a letter written to Mom from Grandma Jackie in 1983. Naturally I’m interested because it comes the year before I was born! I love to see what people write about people before they know them. She was talking and asking mom and dad, when her granddaughter finally arrived, Jackson and Josh were the only kids at this point, if she would put Billy-Ray in her name, or Rae. She had wanted to use it with Tina or Tonyia, but hadn’t. I was sitting there, all excited because she was talking about me J Mom and Dad named me Jessica Rae-Ann. My family knows the story of my first name and Jackson and Man From Snowy River, but it’s different to read about it! Because Rae if from my Grandpa and Ann from Grandma Jackie. SO cool, people putting in requests even before I was born.

On a different piece of paper in the letter was a poem written by Grandma Jackie. She told Mom she didn’t know why she wrote it, but felt she needed to and to send it to mom. It’s all about her first husband, my Grandpa William Daggett. It is so cool because she wrote it in 1983 and had married Grandpa November 3, 1952. He died five years later and 31 years later she wrote this down. You can hear her emotion and voice through the words. I just wanted to share this with everyone. It’s very romantic and sad and the real life stuff is even better than the made up kind. Just be glad I typed it up, cause I had to have Mom interpret some of the hand writing.

“My Bill”

Over twenty years have come and gone!

They say time heals all-- Wrong!

You are just a memory and yet

I can still see your smile,

Smell your smell and hear

Your voice.

I’ve lived around your memory

Life taught me this.

But the world has never been bright and new again.

And yet, oh how I wish I could somehow

See you again,

Feel you.

Oh Bill!

Even now, a lump comes in my throat

And I can’t help the tears streaming down my face.

We were awfully young,

But we loved each other so.

Oh Bill, why?

We had something so special.

And you know, babe, I love you still,

After all these years.

You’ll always be my white shining knight

After you, who could compare?

I tried, honestly tried with other men,

But after all, who could ever measure up to you

and they, every one of them sensed it,

So, now I’ll go on alone!


jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010


Well, I no longer am in Ecuador, but I thought I might update every so often even though my adventures are not quite as fun as here. I live in Florence, Oregon and have been sewing A LOT! Image to the left is my first purse. That's the most exciting point in my life right now. But I'm glad I can at least follow directions. I'm looking for jobs teaching everywhere and am looking forward to riding horses this summer.

I have been teaching swim lessons two days a week and that is fun. Especially when you can see the progress of your students.

I have also decided to do a half marathon this year. I guess I can update on that running as well. It is going to be really exciting, but hard to run. Especially when you have that option to do the running tomorrow and that turns into the next day and the next day. It will be in Hilsboro, Oregon on June 12th. 13 miles of fun I tell you what. Hopefully I can be in shape again, I have to train for hills on this one.

Some other of my day to day activities include watching my favorite Spanish telenovela: Zorro la Espada y la Rosa. It's very dramatic and kind of repetitive because the characters can never stay out of drama, but I look at it as a learning experience. If I ever need to tell someone off in Spanish for stealing my fiance, or kidnapping me, or not telling me he was Zorro sooner, I will know how.

I also continue to be the only member of my family who has not reproduced :) Yeah for nieces and nephews! I will always be the favorite aunt! wahhaha.

That's about it for now, but I will share more later, even if it isn't super exciting :) Reality blogging hehe