jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


I have done some pretty amazing things in my life and met some pretty amazing people. My question is... What do you do when you've finished most your goals you had in life? I mean that little check list of things a person is supposed to do is finished? I finished college twice now, and have traveled. I go to church, don't do drugs or anything illegal, I exercise and am active in parts of my life to be considered a "well rounded" person. I' m looking for a job but in this economic climate it is extremely difficult. I would like to date someone, but that is out of my control...
So I've come to the conclusion that the next steps in my life are on me. I can't control when boys want to date, me and I can barely control the job situation (I just keep putting the applications in). I keep asking the simple question "What am I supposed to do now?" I keep getting the stupid, generic answer "whatever you want." SO ANNOYING! and yeah...I don't believe that. If I could do whatever I wanted I would have a teaching job and would be dating the most amazing guy ever who spoke many different languages, or at least understood my need to learn them and the deep rooted desire to see the world, but that isn't what has unraveled here. I would also be able to date characters from books :)

Facts: I will be moving soon
I have family support for what I do(yeah!)
I don't have a car
I don't have a boyfriend
I don't want to get married
I have limited resources
I don't have a job where I will be moving
I have 3 or 4 places I could move in with friends or family
I speak Spanish and English
I like nutella
I have an amazing horse
I'm a messy person...

My future is uncertain
Usually after writing down my dilemmas I feel better or something becomes clear to me, but nothing yet. Maybe I'll keep adding to my list of facts. That's always nice to see what is true in your life. Overall, I hate that everyone else has something figured out...stupid organized people. Fact: I will figure something out!

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