I just like this picture me and Kristina took in Mexico.
Today I made some delicious brownies (the ingredients of which include Oreos!). I found them online and they are super scrumptious, but I have decided they still do not surpass my obsession with cake. I went to a wedding reception this weekend and we were there for 3 hours before they served the cake, but I had to leave before then! SO DISAPPOINTING! I have decided that when I am married, at the reception, the first order of business will be to cut the cake!
Another crazy thing today,
is that I received an email, from a possible long lost relative! She introduced herself as somebody doing work on the same last name as me and saw my name for contact info. I emailed her back introducing myself, and we shall see if we're related or not, but it's kind of exciting to see something like th
at happen. It's just like the movies. My life, it turns out, sometimes is just like the movies.
I was also going through some of mom's pictures on her phone and found some that needed to be shared from the Scandia 10k in August with my brothers. It was so much fun with all those people there!
1. After the race, we're still cool!
2. Me and the 4 bros before the race :)
Me, Josh, Jackie, Candice, Matt, Jackson, Seth, and Jordan! What a bunch of troopers!
3. All four siblings before running (I know they're in a random order)
4. This is one of the only pictures of me running a race where it looks like I'm running not speed walking.

Another crazy thing today,

I was also going through some of mom's pictures on her phone and found some that needed to be shared from the Scandia 10k in August with my brothers. It was so much fun with all those people there!
1. After the race, we're still cool!
2. Me and the 4 bros before the race :)
Me, Josh, Jackie, Candice, Matt, Jackson, Seth, and Jordan! What a bunch of troopers!
3. All four siblings before running (I know they're in a random order)
4. This is one of the only pictures of me running a race where it looks like I'm running not speed walking.